With photography, my main goal is to initiate a dialogue between the affected group of people and those who can take action to enable change.
I studied photography between 2014 and 2016, but I had published my first series long before, in 2011. My works have been invited for group exhibitions since 2015, and printed and online outlets have been using my photos since 2016. Working on my photography portfolio helps developing my visual skills, and it also means an advantage in campaign design and communication.


I covered the way of refugees and asylum-seekers entering Hungary at the Serbian-Hungarian border, making a stop in Budapest, and leaving through the Hungarian-Austrian border. Series:
Gate to the West: Röszke makeshift camp (see pictures above)
Tiptoe: Budapest, Keleti station & Hegyeshalom
Published at the V4 Revue’s Humans on the Move project
Gate to the West album at the FreeDoc Archive:

Postmasters Gallery, 06.10.2015
Sciences Po Aix, En leur(s) norm(s), 3-7. 04.2017
MERGE CONFLICT____exEscape from noise at 2B Gallery 14.09-01-10.2017
I used a reinterpretation of the pictures on the 2nd anniversary of the humanitarian crisis. I printed two albums: Gate to the West and Tiptoe in the form of a postcard collection. Merchandise usually shows a country’s highlights in a very edited format. But what kind of greetings would refugees or asylum seekers send ‘home’ – provided their homes exist at all? I wanted to show an unedited picture of the experiences of those who “visited” Hungary while passing through it on their way to Western Europe.

Eviction - dismantling huts, 2011
I volunteered for The City is For All activist group several times. I shot the first photo series of an eviction on site in 2011. These photos were used as evidence in the first housing rights lawsuit in Hungary in defence of homeless people. The court ruled compensation for the defendants.
I covered the eviction for the Greenpeace Hungary blog:
Exhibition at Kassák Museum, Budapest, Hungary:

I was also covering demonstrations as a volunteer photographer between 2015 and 2017 in Hungary.
Several pieces of the #academicfreedom series were published in 2017:
Huffington Post (online)
Max Joseph Magazin (Bayerische Staatsoper) print